Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

7 Awful Story of the Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is an area that is in the sea area in the southern United States with a point angle of Miami (Florida), Puerto Rico (Jamaica), and Bermuda, has for centuries store unresolved story. Mystery sake of mystery even been recorded by a wide ocean wanderer Christopher Columbus.

7 Story Mysterious Bermuda Triangle

1 . An argument of a Naval Insurance Company 
Marine insurance company Lloyd 's of London claimed that the Bermuda Triangle is not a dangerous seas and oceans as usual throughout the world , as long as it does not exceed the provisions when carrying freight through the region . The coast guard confirmed the decision.
Are considered plausible explanations , coupled with a number of observations and investigation of cases .

2 . Hallway Theory Time

According to some researchers , may this region there is a disturbance in the air atmosphere langit.Ke hole a hole in an aircraft that is able to enter without out again .From the mystery of " Hole in the Sky" is forming a theory about the existence of such a nexus between the world with another dimension . hole in the sky was considered a kind of means of transport as seen in Star Trek . Or shape the hole in the sky a UFO ? People often link the loss of our aircraft with the appearance of UFOs .
3 . Blue Hole Theory

It is said that at the bottom of the sea there is a sort of Bermuda triangle hole / cave seabed , used this cave was indeed there , but setelahjaman ice passes , tertutup.Arus inside this cave is very strong and often made ​​a powerful vortex suction .Many small boats or people who are sucked into the blue hole was without power , and strangely small boats that sucked it would return to the surface after some time.But that begs the question is: Could the Blue Hole is able to swallowgiant ship to the ocean floor ?
4 . Theory of Methane Gas

Another explanation of the disappearance of several planes and ships mysteriously is the presence of methane gas in the water area . This theory was first published in 1981 by the U.S. Geological Investigation .This theory was successfully tested in the laboratory and the results are satisfying some reasonable explanation about the mysterious disappearance of planes and ships that pass in the region .
5 . Theory of Tongues Ocean Mysteries

Bermuda Triangle is often also referred to as the Tongue of the Ocean , or tongue Lautan.Lidah Oceans have underwater chasm ( canyon ) . There were several accidents there .Not much is yet known about the Bermuda Triangle , so the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle linking is another mystery . For example, the mystery of the Sea Dragon has ever appeared in the Cape Ann , Massachusetts USA , in August 1917.
6 . Mystery creature theory Sargasso

Another mystery is still unsolved mystery of the Sargasso Sea Creatures , which is not merely imaginary . Ocean Sargasso , many ships that never reached its destination and buried in the seabed .There gathered ships from various ages, a treasure , a human cadaver bones . Mystery wide Sargasso Sea is 3650 km to 1825 km in length and width , and in the strong currents flowing around it once , thus forming a vast vortex that rotates slowly clockwise .
7 . Whirlwind Wind Theory

Perhaps in this area often occur sea storms that might form a vortex of wind that can cause the destruction of an aircraft because terhempaskan .
Sources : 7 Story Awful Bermuda Triangle 

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